Community involvement in education is important for many reasons as it helps in the ability to identify local education issues and to develop strategies to resolve barriers that impede access and retention and compromise quality. Inclusion is understood as a process of recognizing and responding to differences in the needs of all students, increasing participation in education, culture and society and reducing exclusion in and out of education. This study sought to find out the Influence of Social Inclusion Strategies on Community Development: A Case Study of Inclusive Education Schools in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Turkana County, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study included: to find out the influence of community participation on Community development; to establish the influence of Training Strategy on Community development; to find out the influence of Community Leadership on Community development. The study adopted descriptive research design to establish the associations among the key study variables. The target population for the study constituted two hundred and twenty people that include the School Management; Community leadership; Teachers; Educational Officials and parents (Children with Disability). The researcher used a sample of 67 respondents that was 30% of the total population. Stratified sampling technique was adopted in this study and Purposive sampling was used for selecting respondents. The main data collection instruments were structured questionnaire and an interview guide. To establish the validity of the research instrument the researcher sought the opinions of experts in the field of study especially the researcher’s supervisor and lecturers. The reliability of the study measures was assessed by computing Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient for all items in the questionnaire. A Cronbach’s alpha (α) of more than 0.7 was considered acceptable while a Cronbach’s alpha (α) of less than 0.7 was considered questionable. Data analysis for quantitative items was carried out using an analytical tool, the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 24. Pearson’s Correlation, Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Multiple Regression Analysis was used to establish the relationships among the study variables and presented by use of figures and tables. Regression coefficients indicated that Community Participation Strategy, Training Strategy and Leadership Strategy predict the Community Development. The results of the linear regression indicate that R2=0.6339 and R= 0.7962, an indication that there is a strong linear relationship between Social Inclusion Strategies and Community Development. The independent variables explained 63.39% of the variability of our dependent variable while the remaining percentage of 36.6% indicates that not all issues under study affect community development. The study concluded that, social inclusion strategies influence community development with leadership strategy having the highest positive influence. Training strategy had the second most positive influence with community development in inclusive education Schools while community participation strategy is had the highest positive influence with community development in Inclusive Education Schools.
Key Words: Social Inclusion Strategies, Inclusive Education, Kakuma Refugee Camp
CITATION: Wairimu, E. W., & Alexis, A. (2024). Influence of social inclusion strategies on community development: A case study of inclusive education schools in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Turkana County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (3), 1 – 18.
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