The study investigated the effect of digital maturity assessment on organizational performance in Kenya's aviation industry, with a specific focus on Kenya Airways Limited. Against the backdrop of challenges faced by Kenya Airways, including increased operating costs, decreased load factors, and customer complaints, the research aimed to fill existing gaps in the literature related to the aviation industry in Kenya. The research was guided by the Balanced Scorecard Theory and Technology Acceptance Model. The research adopted an explanatory and cross-sectional research design. The study targeted senior management, business managers, and functional managers within Kenya Airways, with a total population of 74 individuals. A census approach was employed, including all 74 respondents in the sample. Data collection utilized a semi-structured questionnaire. A pilot test involving 7 purposively selected deputy/assistant heads of departments assessed the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. To enhance reliability, Cronbach's Alpha Reliability test was employed, with a threshold of 0.70 considered acceptable. Construct, predictive, and content validity were scrutinized through expert evaluations, literature reviews, and feedback from supervisors. Regression analysis shows that digital maturity, significantly predict organizational performance (sig<0.05). Further studies are suggested to track performance trends, explore employee perspectives, analyze customer segmentation, and examine the impact of external factors. Overall, the findings emphasize the importance of continuous improvement to sustain Kenya Airways' competitiveness and reputation in the aviation industry.
Keywords: Digital Maturity, Organizational Performance, Airline Industry
y capabilities and performance of the airline industry in Kenya: A case of Kenya Airways Limited. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (3), 19 – 30.
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