The public sector generally places emphasis on ensuring that value for money is achieved through proper procurement practices and processes when acquiring public assets. However, great emphasis is not only required for assets during acquisition, but also throughout its lifetime, and at the point of disposal. The purpose of this paper was to consider the factors that contribute to the successful execution of disposals of public assets by publicly owned sectoral organizations, a consideration which can lead to the achievement of accountability, transparency, integrity, and value for money when disposing of Government-owned property. A descriptive research method was used to establish the factors that contribute to a robust disposal process classified under three broad areas, internal/ direct factors, external/ indirect factors, and other special considerations. Twenty factors, some of which include disposal strategy management, inventory and inspection/evaluation, sustainable disposal, unintentional loss etc., were identified and classified. Although the rationale for this study stems from reawakening the need for proper disposal of public property in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, the factors presented are beneficial and applicable for use by any country or public sector organization which desires to implement the practical factors contributing to a robust disposal process.
Keywords: Disposal, Public Sector, Factors for disposals, Sustainable Disposal
CITATION: Joseph-Lara, J., & Maharajh, A. (2024). Factors contributing to a robust disposal process: an innovative approach for the public sector. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (3), 336 – 350. http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v11i3.3007
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