An in-depth study of the project's internal administration was conducted to understand its effect on overhaul projects performance. Priority was bestowed to Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC, Kenya. This study was to investigate the influence of planning, inventory, overhaul resource management and team execution management on the performance of overhaul projects. The research utilized the competence theory, contingency theory, and theory of constraints. The study's methodology was based on a descriptive survey, employing a sample population consisting of thirty-one overhaul projects. The study targeted 112 respondents. The data collection mode was via open and closed-ended questionnaires. Before commencing the actual data collection, the researcher piloted this study on eight respondents. Cronbach alpha, yielded reliability values of above 0.7 for all the constructs. Data analysis followed using multiple regression. From the regression analysis, planning, inventory management, overhaul resource management, and team execution management had a positive effect on the performance of overhaul projects. The results demonstrated that the independent variables had a statistically profound effect on the performance of overhaul projects. The study recommends power plants implement energy efficiency measures through effective project planning for overhauls to gain a competitive advantage. Power-generating facilities, particularly those owned by the government, should employ direct procurement and framework contracting strategies to effectively handle spare parts inventories and collaborate with suppliers. To improve resource management, power-producing plants should employ plant-based planners who possess the ability to identify, anticipate, and plan for the necessary resources in advance. Kenya's power stations should increase the capacity of their overhaul project teams by employing specialized workforce teams.
Key words: Planning, Inventory, Overhaul Resource Management, Team Execution Management
CITATION: Apiyo, C. O., & Sang, P. K., (2024). Project internal administration and performance of overhaul projects at KENGEN, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (3), 207 – 231.
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