This study focused on testing the level of stakeholder participation and its impact on construction projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya’s public junior secondary schools. In the investigation, the study adopted the descriptive survey research method. The study targeted 188 classroom projects in Nairobi city county, Kenya, 72 administration blocks, 100 water projects, and 72 dining halls. The sample involved 209 projects implemented in the 35 selected local secondary schools. A rate for responses of 77. 9% was obtained from 163 people who returned the filled questionnaires. In order to gather primary data, ‘semi structured questionnaires including replies on a Likert scale of five’ was used. In addition, mean, mode, and median averages were calculated to enable presentation of prominent outcomes. According to the study undertaken, there is a vigorous positive relationship between the extent of stakeholder involvement and the accomplishment of the project, which means that the more involved the stakeholders, the higher the performance of the project. The study recommended establishment of policies to support ongoing training and professional development opportunities for Monitoring and Evaluation staff involved in construction projects.
Key Words: Stakeholder Involvement, Project Recognition, Project Planning, Project Implementation
CITATION: Wambua, P. M., & Tumuti, J. (2024). Stakeholder participation and performance of construction projects in public junior secondary schools in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (3), 261 – 272.
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