Due to competition over the world today, telecommunication companies have employed strategic resource management to survive and remain steady in the marketplace. The strategic practices are the results of managers’ ideas to identify the forces that determine the changes allowing them to understand the opportunities in the business environment. It was against this backdrop the study examined strategic resource management and organizational performance of telecommunication companies in Kenya. The study questions was: what is the influence of strategic resource management on organizational performance of telecommunication companies in Kenya? The study employed resource based view theory. The study adopted a mixed methods research approach (qualitative and quantitative approach). Target population was 1238 employees drawn from 2 telecommunication companies that fall under the category of tier 1 Telecommunication companies in Kenya. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 473 respondents. Questionnaire, interview guide and document analysis was used as data collection instruments. The data was analyzed using quantitative analysis with the help of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. On the other hand, qualitative data was analyzed through thematic analysis. The study revealed that there was a statistically significant relationship between strategic resource management and organizational performance of telecommunication companies in Kenya with p=0.000. The study concluded that strategic resource management plays a big role in performance of telecommunication companies in Kenya. The study recommends that the management of telecommunication companies take the responsibility of equipping the firm with adequate resources that enhance good network coverage in order to increase customer satisfaction as they use the company services.
Key Words: strategic planning, Strategic Resource
CITATION: Chepkorir, D., Wanza, L., & Eng’airo, P. (2024). Strategic resource management and organizational performance of telecommunication companies in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (3), 493 – 512.
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