This study investigates the impact of adopting green procurement practices on the environmental performance of tea processing industries in Meru County, Kenya. The research specifically focuses on four critical areas: green supplier selection, green manufacturing, green logistics, and the incorporation of renewable energy sources. Data were collected from a sample of 321 respondents, including managers, departmental heads and staff from nine tea processing factories. Primary data was gathered through structured questionnaires and face-to-face interviews, while secondary data were obtained from existing literature. The study also included a pilot study conducted in Kericho County with 34 respondents representing 10% of the sample size. The findings revealed that the selection of green suppliers was found to significantly reduce environmental degradation, the adoption of green manufacturing practices led to enhanced resource efficiency and minimized waste production, the implementation of green logistics practices resulted in a substantial reduction in the carbon footprint of the tea processing factories and improved operational efficiency and that the incorporation of renewable energy sources was found to significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions and reduce energy costsThe data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, regression analysis, and correlation tools to establish the relationships between green procurement practices and environmental performance. The main software used for the analysis was the latest version of SPSS. The study concludes that the adoption of green procurement practices not only enhances environmental sustainability but also provides a competitive advantage for tea processing industries in the global market. The research recommends that industry stakeholders prioritize the enforcement and adoption of these practices to achieve long-term sustainable development. Future studies should investigate the long-term economic and environmental impacts of green procurement practices across various agricultural sectors.
Key words: green supplier selection, green manufacturing, green logistics, renewable energy sources
CITATION: Salvsen, W., Rintari, N., & Kanyiri, A. (2024). Effects of adopting green procurement practices on organization environmental performance in tea industries in Meru County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (3), 561 – 581.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v11i3.3044
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