This study examined managerial cultural intelligence and innovative work behaviour in telecommunication companies in South-South, Nigeria: the moderating effect of psychological empowerment. The study adopted the cross-sectional research survey design. Primary data was generated through structured questionnaire. The population for this study was 283 supervisors in four major telecommunication companies in South-South, Nigeria. The sample size of 166 was determined using Taro Yamane sample size determination formula. The reliability of the instrument was achieved by the use of the Cronbach Alpha coefficient with all the items scoring above 0.70. The hypotheses were tested using partial correlation to test the moderating effect. Findings revealed that psychological empowerment significantly moderate the relationship between managerial cultural intelligence and innovative work behaviour in telecommunication companies in South-South, Nigeria. This highlights the critical role of psychological empowerment as a catalyst that can either amplify or diminish the effects of managerial cultural intelligence on fostering innovative work behavior. Thus, the study recommends that management of telecommunication companies should involve employees in the decision-making process and seek their input and ideas. This can be achieved through regular team meetings, brainstorming sessions, and employee suggestion programs. By including employees in decision-making, organizations tap into their diverse perspectives and enhance their sense of psychological empowerment, thereby fostering a conducive environment for innovation.
Keywords: Cultural Intelligence, Innovative Work Behaviour, Psychological Empowerment
CITATION: Omoefe, E. E. (2024). Managerial cultural intelligence and innovative work behaviour in telecommunication companies in south-south, Nigeria: the moderating effect of psychological empowerment. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (3), 582 – 593.
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