The vitality of innovative work behavior is crucial to the universities in today’s knowledge economy for their employee’s work performance and competitive advantages. This obligates public universities to embrace human resource practices that conform to the paradigm of job design for their effect on innovative work behavior. Despite this, there are limited studies on enhancing innovativeness amongst employees in the knowledge-intensive public sector organizations (KIPSO) as public universities. Thus, the current study was designed to analyze the effect of job design on employee innovative work behavior in public universities in Uasin Gishu County. The research used a cross-sectional research design with a target population of 1982 employees in two public universities that is Moi University and University of Eldoret. A sample size of 333 respondents was determined using Slovins formular and a multi-stage sampling technique was used to narrow down to the sampling units. Self-administered questionnaire which was tested for validity and piloted at Egerton University to test for reliability was used for data collection. Scale reliability was ensured through a Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha of above 0.7, which is generally considered reliable. Validity was achieved by ensuring relevance of the research results with theoretical approaches and literature reviews. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequencies, percentages, mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics of correlation and simple regression analysis using SPSS version 25.0. Job Design on the dependent variable Innovative Worker behavior. From the finding of this study, simple regression results which included job design had a positive and significant effect on innovative worker behavior. Thus, the rejection of the null hypotheses. This has been illustrated empirically that the public universities management should strive to design roles that facilitate networking and collaboration with external partners, including other universities, research institutions, industry partners, and government agencies. Implement job designs that promote skill variety and interdisciplinary collaboration. The findings have contributed to human resource management in terms of providing valuable input to and awareness of job design to be consider with regard to enhancing innovative work behavior.
Key words: Job Design and Innovative Worker behavior
CITATION: Kiptoo, I., Kimutai, G., Motari, Y., & Onyango, R. (2024). Effect of job design on employee innovative work behaviour in public universities in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. The strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (3), 658 – 671. Http://dx.doi.Org/10.61426/Sjbcm.v11i3.3049
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v11i3.3049
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