The provision of high-quality healthcare relied heavily on the efficient administration of human resources. More research and a shift in emphasis on healthcare HRM were necessary for policy reform. Better results in healthcare service providing on a global scale were only possible with well-executed human resource management techniques. An essential component of every nation's health system was its human resources for health. The health staff's inadequate numbers, subpar care, insensitivity to community and patient needs, high turnover, low morale, unhappiness with job, lack of opportunities for professional growth, negative attitudes, and unsafe working conditions all contributed to poor performance. Researching how health-related human resource management practices in Embu County, Kenya, affected worker productivity was the overarching goal of this research. The study set out to establish to find out how different performance appraisal strategies affected health sector employee performance in Embu County, Kenya. Equity theory, human capital theory, and ability, motivation, and opportunity theories were used. A descriptive survey research design was used. Primary data were collected through the use of questionnaires from a sample of 81 managers working in Health facilities in Embu County, Kenya. Content, face validity, and reliability tests using Cronbach Alpha were conducted. Data analysis was done through the use of qualitative and quantitative analysis. Data were presented in tables and figures through the use of descriptive measures such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The findings revealed that performance appraisal strategies were perceived moderately, with clear targets but room for improvement in effectiveness. Employee performance assessment indicated challenges in turnover and moderate satisfaction with day-to-day responsibilities. Alignment of organizational strategies with employee needs is crucial for optimizing performance outcomes in the healthcare sector.
Key Words: Performance Appraisal Strategies, Organizational Performance
CITATION: Njagi, C. M., & Makhamara F. (2024). Performance appraisal strategies and performance of employees in health sector in Embu County, Kenya. The strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (3), 746 – 756. Http://dx.doi.Org/10.61426/Sjbcm.v11i3.3057
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