Wireless sensor network (WSN)-based techniques are evolving to alleviate the problems of monitoring, coverage, and energy management in different application areas. Traditional methods of monitoring water for aquatic have proved to be ineffective since they are laborious, time consuming and lacks real-time results to promote proactive response to water contamination. Wireless sensor networks (WSN) model, therefore, have since been considered as a promising alternative to complement conventional monitoring processes. These networks are relatively affordable and allow measurements to be taken remotely, in real-time and with minimal human intervention. The inclusion of the Internet of Things (IoT) in WSN techniques has further led to improvement in delivering of real time, effective and efficient water-monitoring for aquatic. The purpose of the paper was to developed a wireless sensor architectural model for monitoring water quality for aquatic in fish ponds. Design aspects considered are: Scalability, Fault Tolerance, Security, and energy efficiency. To facilitate their realization as the architecture's constructs and sub-constructs, the associated variables were grouped under theme notions. Furthermore, a survey on communalities after performing factor analysis was done to determine the indicators which are forming the components of the architecture. Prototype evaluation was used in addition to expert evaluation to verify the created Wireless Sensor Network Architectural Model (WSNAM). The tool was taken to different fish ponds to test the Turbidity, pH, Temperature and the dissolved Oxygen of water. The developed architecture can give accuracy data at 74.3%. Besides the Wireless Sensor Network Architectural Model (WSNAM) for fish ponds developed satisfies all the validation conditions from the IT experts. It is a low cost, lightweight system and has low power consumption as analyzed in the research work Moreover, the system is able to log bulk data and transfer to remote locations. The model developed is capable of monitoring the following water indicators namely; Turbidity, Dissolved oxygen, Temperature and PH. The sensor unit effectively transmits real time data to the central processing unit for further analysis regarding water quality.
Key Words: Wireless Sensor Network and Water Quality Monitoring
CITATION: Okwemba, R. K., Ikoha, A. P., Fulanda, B. M., & Nyukuri, R. W. (2024). Wireless sensor network architectural model for water quality monitoring. The strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (3), 766 – 783. Http://dx.doi.Org/10.61426/Sjbcm.v11i3.3058
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v11i3.3058
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