
The National Taxpayers Association and the auditor general have both published multiple reports on the misappropriation and embezzlement of funds by the Constituency Development Fund Committees. During the 2021–2022 fiscal year, approximately Ksh. 427 million of the funds assigned to the Constituency Development Funds Committees were misappropriated, unreported, or embezzled. Projects funded by the CDF have not performed up to par, and there is a case to be made for closely examining the institutional capacity of the implementing organs. This might be the reason for unfinished projects, unhappy clients, and subpar customer service that results in subpar project performance. Hence this study sought to investigate the influence of stakeholder participation and involvement techniques and project performance of selected constituency development funded heath projects in Nairobi City County Kenya. The investigation was theoretically underpinned by stakeholders' theories, control theory, and the balanced scorecard. A descriptive research design was used for the investigation. The 333 members of the Board committees and the employees of particular maternity facilities made up the target population. One hundred participants were chosen from this group using a stratified simple random sampling procedure. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to gather data for the research. To evaluate the validity and reliability of the research instrument, a pilot study was carried out in the chosen hospitals prior to the data collection process. Secondary sources, including articles, papers, websites, and pertinent publications, supplemented primary data. The statistical techniques which included both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze quantitative data. Frequencies and percentages are used in descriptive statistics, while regression analysis and correlation were used to determine the relationship between variables. Figures and tables were used to visually represent the data outputs. The study revealed that the stakeholder involvement, competent human resource, project planning and monitoring and evaluation had a statistically significant effect on the performance of the chosen CDF health projects in Nairobi City County. The study concluded that active engagement of stakeholder fosters trust among stakeholders, leading to better collaboration. M&E provides a framework for accountability to stakeholders, including the government, donors, and the community. The study recommends that the County should conduct a comprehensive mapping of stakeholders, including government agencies, local NGOs, community leaders, health professionals, and beneficiaries. The County should focus on recruiting healthcare professionals who are not only qualified but also have a deep understanding of the local health challenges and cultural context. The County should engage with community members, health workers, and local leaders to identify specific health needs and gaps in services.

Key Words: Stakeholder Participation and Involvement, Project Performance 

CITATION: Mong’ute, E. K., & Ondara, A. (2024). Stakeholder participation and involvement techniques and performance of selected constituency development funded health projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (4), 214 – 225. http://dx.doi.Org/10.61426/Sjbcm.v11i4.3075

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