This study sought to establish the influence of corporate social responsibility technology projects on computer literacy in public secondary schools in Kenya. The objectives of the study were: to establish the influence of accessibility to computers on computer literacy and to determine the influence of mentorship on computer literacy. This study adopted two theoretical foundations: The Resources and appropriation theory and the Mentorship Theory. It conceptualized that computer access from CSR Technology projects influences computer literacy in schools. Such computer literacy was evidenced in both teachers and students. This study used the descriptive survey design. The study was limited to form three students and class teachers from 5 public secondary schools due to their levels of academic understanding. As such the target population was 443 Form Three students and 17 class teachers in these schools. The study used Stratified sampling to sample 138 students and 16 teachers from schools that had received computers from the CSR Technology projects. Data was collected using questionnaires. A pilot study targeting 10 students and 5 class teachers was carried out to test the reliability and the validity of the questionnaires. Data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) computer program and spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel). The statistical tests and procedures conducted include: descriptive statistics (frequencies, percentages and means) and; inferential statistics (Pearson Correlation and regression analysis) for showing the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. All the coefficients were significant at 0.05 level of significance. From the findings, the independent variables significantly influenced Computer literacy in Public secondary schools in Westlands Sub County. The study will benefit the Government of Kenya and policy makers, Project Managers, Researchers and Scholars, corporate organizations and schools.
Key Words: Accessibility to Computers, Mentorship, Corporate Social Responsibility Technology Projects, Public Secondary Schools
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