The general objective of this study was to establish the supply chain integration in procurement performance of parastatals in Mombasa county, Kenya.The study was guided by the following specific objectives; to determine the influence of technology integration in procurement performance of parastatals in Mombasa county, to establish the influence of supplier integration in procurement performance of parastatals in Mombasa county, to determine the influence of process integration in procurement performance of parastatals in Mombasa county and to determine the influence of logistical integration in procurement performance of parastatals in Mombasa county. The study was anchored by the following theories; Innovation Diffusion Theory, Social Exchange Theory, Transaction Cost Theory and Resource-Based View (RBV) Theory. The literature review indicated that supply chain integration is crucial for organizations as it enables them to streamline their operations, reduce costs, improve responsiveness, enhance customer satisfaction, and achieve a competitive edge therefore by integrating supply chain processes, organizations can achieve better coordination, visibility, and control over their entire value chain, leading to improved decision-making, reduced lead times, increased flexibility, and enhanced overall performance. The study focused on parastatals with the target population of 238 from managerial and nonmanagerial procurement staff in Mombasa County. The sample size was determined using Yamane allocation sample formulae to obtain 149 respondents. The researcher used questionnaires as a tool for data collection. The questionnaires contained close ended questions that solicited respondents’ views. Data analysis involved sorting, coding and transforming data into statistical information for the purpose of analysis and interpretation by use of SPSS. This study used quantitative data specifically descriptive statistics. Regression analysis was used. The findings were presented in the form of tables.
Key terms: Supply Chain Integration, Procurement Performance, Technological Integration, Supplier Integration, Process integration, Logistical Integration
CITATION: Chumba, C. S., Mutuku, B., & Kisingu, T. (2024). Supply chain integration on procurement performance in parastatals in Mombasa County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (4), 759 – 775. http://dx.doi.Org/10.61426/Sjbcm.v11i4.3115
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