The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of communication channels on strategy implementation in Agricultural Biotechnology Organizations in Kenya. The study was guided by the following objectives: to establish the influence of non-verbal communication on strategy implementation, ascertain the influence of verbal communication on strategy implementation, to establish the influence of written communication on strategy implementation, and to determine the influence of visual communication on strategy implementation in Agricultural Biotechnology organizations. A cross-sectional research design approach was employed to establish the influence of communication channels on strategy implementation in Agriculture Biotechnology Organizations in Kenya. To achieve the study objective the sampling frame included 28 Agricultural Biotechnology Organizations in Kenya. The sampling frame was obtained from several pertinent sources. The study utilized primary data collection methods. The primary data was collected through interviews with the questionnaires being the main data collection tool. The data was analyzed using both descriptive statistics and regression analysis depending on the objectives. Non-verbal communication had an influence on strategy implementation in Agricultural Biotechnology organizations with an aggregate mean score of 3.8 and a standard deviation of 0.761. Verbal communication had an influence on strategy implementation in Agricultural Biotechnology organizations with an aggregate mean score of 4.15 and a standard deviation of 1.137. Written communication had an influence on strategy implementation in Agricultural Biotechnology organizations with an aggregate mean score of 4.02 and a standard deviation of 1.206. Visual communication had an influence on strategy implementation in Agricultural Biotechnology organizations with an aggregate mean score of 4.12 and a standard deviation of 1.272. The four sub-variables of the independent variables that were studied; verbal, non-verbal, written, and visual communication explain 75.7% of strategy implementation in Agricultural Biotechnology organizations. From the regression model, with all the independent variables under study held constant, strategy implementation in Agricultural Biotechnology organizations would become 0.367. Verbal communication had the greatest influence on strategy implementation in Agricultural Biotechnology organizations at 85.4% compared to Non-verbal communication at 59.8%, Written Communication at 79.2%, and Visual Communication at 57%. Visual communication had a positive but not-so-significant relationship hence need to consider the influence of visual communication on strategy implementation in organizations. Additionally, consequent studies need to consider other factors that influence strategy implementation in Agricultural Biotechnology organizations as well.
Keywords: Biotechnology, Communication, Communication Channels, Strategic Plan, Strategy, Strategy implementation.
CITATION: Nyaga, F. K., & Makau, G. K. (2024). Influence of communication channels on the implementation of strategy in agricultural biotechnology organizations in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (4), 845 – 867. http://dx.doi.Org/10.61426/Sjbcm.v11i4.3123
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