The general objective of the study was to0establish the0effect of0human resource0management practices on employee0service0delivery in the County Government of Kitui, Kenya. The specific objectives0of the0study were to0establish the0effect of training and development practices, performance0appraisal practices, compensation0practices and0recruitment and selection practices on employee service delivery in the County Government of Kitui, Kenya. Human capital theory, contingency theory, attraction-selection-attrition theory, and service quality theory served as the study's guiding theories. Descriptive0research design0was used for the0study. The target0population0was 2300 employees comprising of the Kitui County Government's middle management, lower-level staff, and senior level management. The sample size was 340 employees. The study0adopted a proportionate stratified sampling0technique. The study was based on descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. Multiple linear regression was used to evaluate the co-relationships as well as the effect of each of the independent variables on human resource management practices. The changes of service delivery were influenced significantly by the changes in training practices. It was also established that there was a positive, a robust and noteworthy correlation between service delivery and performance appraisal. The study concludes that effective training ensures that employees possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and competencies to perform their roles efficiently. The study concludes that compensation alone does not play a decisive role in influencing the quality or effectiveness of service delivery. Lastly, the study concludes that Effective recruitment and selection practices ensure0that the right0individuals,with the0necessary0skills, experience,0and cultural0fit, are0brought into the0organization. The study recommends0that the county0government of0Kitui should conduct regular training needs assessments to identify gaps in skills and knowledge. The County Government of Kitui should regularly monitor and evaluate performance of employees and the outcomes of recruitment and selection processes.
Key words: Training And Development Practices, Performance0appraisal Practices, Compensation0practices and0Recruitment and Selection Practices
CITATION: Geoffrey, A., & Muli, J. (2024). Human resource management practices and employee service delivery in the County Government of Kitui, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (4), 961 – 981.
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