Funeral homes in Kenya like other businesses operate in a competitive environment. Knowing what factors influence the level of service quality in their institutions is important because it can lead to future business success for the funeral homes. One of the dimensions that influence service quality is employee performance. Stress management strategies are several techniques aimed at the red that organizations apply to advance individual employee wellbeing and reduce stress. Through dealing with the cause of the stress preventing or reducing the impact of the individual's stress coping. Occupational stress has been an issue of concern to employees, management, and other stakeholders in organizations. The overall objective of this study was to establish the effects of stress management strategies and performance of employees in funeral homes in selected counties in Kenya. The specific objectives were: To examine the influence of counseling services, to evaluate the influence of flextime programs and to establish the influence of meditation technique on performance of employees in funeral homes in selected counties in Kenya.
Key Words: Stress Management, Counseling Services, Flextime Programs, Meditation Technique
CITATION: Mungai, S., Waguchu, S. & Kiiru, D. (2024) Stress management strategies and performance of employees in funeral homes in selected counties in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (4), 1377 – 1389.
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