The goal of this research was to explore the influence of work-life integration techniques on the performance of health practitioners in public health facilities in Kirinyaga County, Kenya. The basic purpose was to analyze the influence of work-life integration on the performance of health practitioners, concentrating on four important strategies: technology, flexible working arrangements, welfare programs, and leave programs. This research combined the Social Exchange Theory, Spillover Theory, Role Theory, and Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI) Model, establishing a theoretical framework to explore the link between work-life integration and performance. A descriptive research strategy was chosen, with a sample size of 279 drawn from a target population of 920 using a stratified random sampling procedure using Yamane's (1967) formula. Data was gathered by 5-point Likert Scale surveys, with tables and percentages utilized for descriptive statistics. Multiple regression analysis (SPSS version 26) was utilized to examine the influence of the factors on employee performance. The research indicated that work-life integration techniques considerably boost the performance of health practitioners. Technology, flexible working arrangements, welfare programs, and leave programs all had considerable positive influence, with technology and leave programs exhibiting the most dramatic benefit. Regression analysis found that these techniques collectively explained 84.5% of the variation in performance, with leave programs accounting for the biggest part. The results underline the necessity of implementing these methods into organizational practices to maximize health practitioners' performance, work happiness, and general well-being. This research presents empirical data supporting the adoption of work-life integration techniques in public health settings and suggests their application to increase staff productivity, retention, and healthcare delivery in Kirinyaga County.
Key Words: Technology, Flexible Working Arrangements, Welfare Programs, Leave Programs
CITATION: Wairia, G. W., Njoroge, D. & Nkanata, S. (2025) Impact of work-life integration strategies on the performance of health practitioners in public health facilities in Kirinyaga County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 12 (1), 94 – 118.
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