The general objective of the research was to establish the determinants of health care service delivery as a devolved function on level four hospitals using the case of Kiambu County, Kenya. The study was guided by the two specific objectives: To find out the role of government funding on health care service delivery and to determine the role of social accountability on health care service delivery. The study reviews theories that explain governance of health care. The research design was descriptive research, the sample size comprised of 12 respondents from all Level IV hospitals in Kiambu County. Questionnaires were used for data collection for the study. The respondents were contacted and requested for their time prior to sending the actual questionnaire. The collected data was coded and analyzed using the descriptive statistics by use of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The presentation of data was in the form of tables and figures. The study findings revealed that the employed government funding and social accountability significantly affected healthcare service delivery. Based on the study findings, the study concludes that health care service delivery in Level IV Hospitals in Kiambu County, Kenya was affected by social accountability and government funding. The study recommends that public health institutions should adopt use of face-to-face, upward, horizontal and vertical communication channels. From the findings the study also recommends that the government should improve systems of funds disbursement to service delivery points in order to promote other functions that contribute to service delivery.
Key Words: Government Funding, Social Accountability, Health Care Service Delivery, Level IV Hospitals, Kiambu County
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