Corporate governance is a concept that involves practices that entail the organization of management and control of companies. This study sought to establish the effects of corporate governance structures instituted by occupational retirement benefit schemes in Kenya in a bid to surmount the agency challenges inherent in the management of these schemes and their effects on organizational performance. This study used descriptive survey to explore the effects of corporate governance structures prevalent in occupational retirement schemes in Kenya. A sample of the 27occupational retirement schemes were selected on the basis of their asset value as at 31st December or 30th June 2012 depending on their financial year end. The primary quantitative data on scheme corporate governance structures and practices was collected using self administered questionnaires with closed and open ended questions. The researcher will select a pilot group of 10schemes from the target sample of the Retirement Benefits Scheme to test the reliability of the research instrument. In the literature review, apart from the empirical review, a number of theories that touches on the governance and organisational performance have been considered which also include; Shareholder theory, Stakeholders theory and Agency theory. The data will be analysed using descriptive statistics. Statistical tools such as the mean, proportions, graphs, tables, percentages and frequency distributions will be computed using SPSS software. The findings will be presented using tables and charts, percentages, means and other central tendencies. Tables will be used to summarize responses for further analysis and facilitate comparison. This will generate quantitative reports through tabulations, percentages, and measure of central tendency.
Key Words: Corporate Governance, Retirement Benefit Schemes
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v1i2.32
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