Employees are the major assets of any organization. The active role they play towards an organizational success cannot be underestimated. As a result, equipping these unique assets through career development becomes imperative in order to maximize and improve on service delivery. A key objective of Public Service Commission of Kenya Human Resource Policies and Procedures on career development is to ensure continuous upgrading of Public servants’ core competences, knowledge, skills and attitudes including their ability to assimilate technology to enable them create and seize opportunities for social advancement, economic growth and individual fulfillment. This has been made possible through proper planning and coordination of training activities and career development in the Public Service which has been delegated to all Ministries under the State Department responsible for Public Service through Human Resource Management and Development units. However, how career development influences service delivery is not well searched in the government especially after the promulgation of the new constitution of Kenya due to devolvement of some government services to the county governments. The objective of the study was to assess the influence of career development on service delivery among the trained personnel. The study sought to investigate the challenges faced by the trained personnel in advancing after being developed and the influence it has on service delivery. The target population was 1050 employees and the sample size was 105 employees. The data collected helped in finding out the influence of career development on service delivery. A qualitative research approach of data collection was adopted using questionnaires, observations and interviews. The recommendation was made to the relevant authorities especially the Public Service Commission of Kenya.
Key Words: Training, Career Advancement, Career Development, Service Delivery
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