Strategy implementation is an integral component of the strategic management process and is viewed as the process that turns the formulated strategy into a series of actions and then results to ensure that the vision, mission, strategy, and strategic objectives of the organization are successfully achieved as planned. It is defined as the dynamic, interactive and complex process, which is comprised of a series of decisions and activities by managers and employees – affected by a number of interrelated internal and external factors – to turn strategic plans into reality in order to achieve strategic objectives. However, Strategy implementation is understood as one of the most difficult business challenges facing today’s managers. There wasn’t a known study done on factors influencing strategy implementation in Libya Oil (K) ltd. This study therefore, sought to fill this gap by investigating the factors affecting strategy implementation at Libya Oil (K) ltd. The specific objectives of the study was to assess the effect of resources allocation on strategy implementation and to explore the influence of organizational culture on strategy implementation at Libya Oil (K).The target population of the study was 64 respondents from a population of 30% of 212 employees. The study used stratified random sampling technique to select a sample of 64 employees from senior managers, middle managers and regular employees across the offices within the country. Data was collected using structured questionnaire while data analysis was done using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The findings of this study showed that there was a budget allocated for strategy implementation at Libya Oil, although it was not released timely. The researcher recommended that the top management should design the reward system in the company to encourage the employees to participate actively in strategy implementation at Libya Oil. The top management should give the employees effective information on what to do timely, and organize management workshops regularly in all departments to discuss issues touching on strategy implementation. For further studies, the same study can be carried out in other oil marketers and also on the role of strategy implementation at Libya oil Kenya limited.
Key Words: Resource Allocation, Organization Culture, Strategy Implementation, Libya Oil Kenya
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