Multinational pharmaceutical & consumer goods companies have adopted CRM in order to ensure customer satisfaction all round in order to penetrate into the local market that is highly dominated with a large number of local manufacturers and distributors. The general objective of this study was to establish customer relationship management on customer satisfaction in multinational companies in Kenya focusing on Laborex Kenya Ltd. The specific objectives of this study included; to establish extent to which quality service affects customer satisfaction, to determine how customer complaint management affects customer satisfaction and to evaluate the effect of customer communication on customer satisfaction in Laborex Kenya Ltd. This study adopted a descriptive survey. The researcher adopted quantitative approach. The target population was 150 staff from three departments as well as 450 customers. The researcher used 10% of the target population.This gave a sample size of 15 staff and 45 customers.The study used a questionnaire as a primary data collection tool. For the secondary information, the researcher got information from the website and existing publications on CRM. The data was analyzed and presented in frequencies, and percentages for easy understanding. Descriptive statistics and correlation for any relationship and cross tabulations for comparisons were done.The findings of this study was that there was a good strategy in Laborex Company Ltd to enhance quality service. These were; they talked to customers in a friendly manner, they sent birthday wishes to their customers, among others.The company had delegated one person to be in charge of all complanints of the customers. This is the person who had the responsibility of responding to the complaints from customers and apologize on behalf of the company.This created effective communication between customers and employees. As far as communication was concerned the top management gave information on time to employees on procedures and activities to take place .The findings also showed that the company had a challenge in sending employees for further studies on new ways of attracting new customers. The recommendations of this study were that the company should impove on training of employees, usage of high technology to serve customers and providing online suggestion boxes for complaints and compliments within the company.
Key Words: Quality Services, Complaint Management, Communication, Customer Relationship Management
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