The main objective of this study was to investigate factors in global sourcing affecting performance of publishing firms in Kenya. The target population was Longhorn Publishers Limited with a workforce of 112 employees. The study adopted stratified sampling method to select the 53 employees as sample size. Structured questionnaires containing both open ended and closed ended questions were used to collect primary data. 47 questionnaires were filled and returned for analysis. The study employed Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), correlation and regression analysis as methods of analysis. The study concluded that; company finance and Information Technology had positive influence on performance of publishing firms in Kenya. Based on the findings, the study recommended that the management of publishing firms should ensure that there is adequate company finance that supports organizational performance as resources needed to achieve set targets may not be procured if funds are not adequate. There is need for management to adopt proper Information Technology that provides feedback on the performance of the company and helps in determining corrective actions to be taken.
Key Words: Company Finances, Information Technology, Global Sourcing, Publishing Firms in Kenya
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