Health workers are indispensably important for the effective functioning of healthcare systems. However studies show that health care is one of the sectors highly affected by turnover in Kenya. Empirical studies show that Kenya’s health system faces a variety of human resource problems, primarily an overall lack of personnel in key areas, which is worsened by high numbers of trained personnel leaving the health sector to work overseas as a result of lack of employee commitment. Kenya loses on average twenty (20) medical doctors each month through either brain drain or brain waste. Worse still, those personnel who stay put in their jobs are inequitably distributed between urban and rural areas. The study was guided by two research objectives which specifically seek to establish the influence of training and reward management on job design practices on employee commitment. The population of the study comprised and was limited to doctors, clinical officers, nurses and other technical people such as the pharmacists, lab technicians and radiologists from eight (8) public hospitals in Nairobi County who are directly concerned with provision of health care. The study adopted a descriptive research design and targeted all the 1477 health care staff from the eight (8) public health facilities in Nairobi County. The hospitals were selected purposively while stratified random sampling was used to select the health care staff. Stratified random and purposive sampling was used to select a total of one hundred (100) respondents from the various strata identified. With the help of the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) programme version 22, regression analysis was carried out and the results were used to test the relationship between the variables. The study established that there existed a strong positive relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable. The dependent variable could be explained by a change in the independent that were studied. The analysis showed that reward management practices had the strongest positive (correlation coefficient) influence on employee commitment in public hospitals. Additionally, training were positively correlated to employee commitment in public hospitals. Therefore HR practices did influence the commitment of employees in public health hospitals of Nairobi County.
Key Words: Training Practices, Reward Management, Employee Commitment
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