Studies indicated that effective change management leads to higher likelihood of achievement of goals by organizations. The human resource is a very important element to any goals that an organization seeks to achieve, and the practices adopted by an organization assist the strategic change implementation process. This study therefore sought to ascertain the role that human resource functions have on implementation of change among county governments with reference to Kakamega County. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to investigate the role of Employee relations practices on change implementation and to investigate the role of employee training on change implementation. The study utilized a case study research design using the simple random sample technique to select the sample. The target population was 3305 respondents that included 106 top management officers, 185 Middle level Management officers, 1000 supervisory staff and 2014 technical and support staff. Data was collected using questionnaires while secondary data was collected from official documents at the County Headquarters. The instruments were tested for reliability using a pilot study to pretest and validate the questionnaires. On the other hand, quantitative data collected was analyzed using SPSS (Version 20) and presented through percentages, means, standard deviations and frequencies. Content analysis data was coded and validated for accuracy then analyzed using descriptive statistics for each objective. The findings revealed that human resource management had significant positive role on the change implementation in Kakamega County.
Key Words: Employee Relations Practices, Employee Training, Change Implementation, County Governments
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