Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has gained much prevalence in the recent times. In the education sector, there has been an emergence and introduction of new technologies in teaching and learning. However, it has been noted world over that the same technologies are not put in real use to enhance the teaching and learning processes they are intended for. ICTs are of significant importance to the 21st Century teachers and students in order to help them gain the much needed skills and knowledge for a competitive and innovative future. This study undertook a comprehensive research on influence of school leadership on ICT integration in teaching and learning in iMlango project schools. The independent variable, School leadership for ICT is supported by Distributed Leadership theory while the dependent variable, ICT integration is supported by the Diffusion of Innovations theory. The study used a descriptive research survey design. The target population was a total of 185 teachers from the 37 iMlango project schools in Makueni County. 18 schools were selected to participate in the study. Quantitative and qualitative primary data were collected using semi-structured questionnaires. A pilot study was conducted prior to actual data collection in order to test the validity and reliability of the questionnaires. Quantitative data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the basic features of quantitative data. The findings from the research provided evidence for the presence of school leadership for ICT and ICT integration in teaching and learning in iMlango project schools in Makueni County. Besides, the research findings revealed the direct correlation between school leadership for ICT with ICT integration in teaching and learning in these schools. School leadership for ICT was found to determine ICT integration in teaching and learning.
Key Words: ICT Leadership, Adoption, Head Teacher, Integration, Teaching and Learning
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