This study investigated the effects of e-supply chain processes on performance of non-governmental organizations in Kericho county Kenya. A case study of Walter reed project in Kericho. The specific objectives were: To examine how e- purchasing process, e-inventory management, e-business relationship management and e-logistics affects organizational performance of non-governmental organizations in Kericho County. The study targeted staff at Walter Reed Project Kericho. A descriptive research design was used. A stratified sampling method was used to pick a sample of 78 respondents from the target population. Data was analyzed using excel worksheets and statistical package for social science to come up with descriptive statistics. The findings indicated that e-purchasing process enhances efficiency through reduction of procurement costs and lead times through prompt fulfillment of orders and receipts thus to a large extent affects performance of non-governmental organizations in Kericho County. It also found out that e-inventory management greatly affected organizational performance through the use of Enterprise Resource Planning (Erp) systems that enabled the organization to have and maintain adequate and efficient inventory management plans. These plans thus enhanced inventory efficiency i.e. reduced costs e.g. holding costs, ordering costs, storage costs through just in time and materials requirements planning steps. The study also found out that through e-logistics processes, overall organizations performance improved. This is as a result of logistical integration. This resulted in reduced overall logistical costs thus accruing to benefits that enhanced overall organizations performance. Therefore the overall findings of the study points out clearly that the general organizational efficiency had greatly improved as a result of e–supply chain processes in non-governmental organizations in Kericho County. The study recommended that management in non-governmental organizations in Kericho County should adopt strategic utilization of information in order to achieve coordination, join forces, share design information as this would lead to effective communications with organizations suppliers as this still remained on a low score card.
Key Words: E- Purchasing Process, E-Inventory Management, E-Business E-Logistics, organization Performance
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v3i4.364
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