Results of the previous studies indicate a statistically significant relationship between employee involvement and performance of the petroleum industry in Kenya as well as significant difference between the performance of petroleum companies whose employee involvement is deep and the performance of petroleum companies whose employee involvement is shallow. This study sets to examine the relationship between employee involvement and organizational performance in the petroleum sector in Kenya. Literature was reviewed with emphasis on the relationship between the variables, theoretical literature and empirical literature. The unit of analysis was all managing directors of the 71 registered petroleum players who gave the information on organizational performance and employee involvement. Data was generated by means of questionnaires to Petroleum firms on employee involvement and organizational performance variables. Responses from the survey was statistically analyzed using descriptive statistics, product moment correlation and regression analysis. The implications of this study included strengthening the need for manufacturing firms to demonstrate high level of commitment to employee involvement for organizational performance enhancement. The petroleum sector is becoming more internationalized and thus the financing of the procurement is also evolving. The sector is divided into three main sectors based on the steps from drilling to refinement and selling of the final products; the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors. The research findings showed a strong combined correlation between the two independent variables and the dependent variable.
Key Words: Information Sharing, Employee Training, Employee Involvement, Performance
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