E-business strategy has become an important aspect in today’s business world and is affecting every type of business as they attempt to improve efficiency and stay ahead of their competitors. Development of new skills for companies has become a necessity because the conventional ways of competing may become obsolete if strategies of firms do not integrate the new technologies. The integration of information and communications technology (ICT) has revolutionized relationships within organizations and among organizations and individuals. E-business strategy being a technological insurgency is important to look at the factors affecting its implementation. A survey was carried out and a questionnaire was used to collect quantitative and qualitative data. It had a blend of both an open and closed ended questions. The collected data was captured in to the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) and Ms Excel software. Quantitative data analysis which mainly forms numerical values was analysed using descriptive statistics that was frequency, percentages and means and was presented in summary form using graphs, tables and charts. The response on organization expertise on e-business strategy was on average neutral probably because the company had not invested heavily on technology. However, it was gradually adapting to e-business strategies such as use of ICTs in their processes. ICT introduces new ways of creating and delivering value. Without good IT infrastructure, companies cannot fit the evolution of e-business. The leadership also should spent time shaping the vision and strategies for the adoption and use of electronic commerce and leveraging it into the business processes and activities. Resources play important role in the adoption of electronic commerce creation of more widespread awareness about e-business, as well as adequate training and skills are some of the support that would help company employees adapt to change.
Key Words: Organization Expertise, Innovative Practices, Technology, Performance of E-business
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v3i4.369
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