Success of county water projects comprises all organized activities and planning regarding water resources development, conservation, protection and control from water adverse effects. Success of county water projects includes aspects such as water uses (inherent values, domestic needs, food security, energy supply, transportation and recreation), conservation, assessment, protection, participation and governance. This implies that management of water resources consists in matching water supply and water demand, and reducing environmental damage caused by water, or to waters and the bodies of water. The general objective of the study is to establish factors influencing the success of county water projects a case of Kiambu County. Specific variables were; project water quality and project stakeholder participation on success of county water projects a case of Kiambu County. The study adopted descriptive research design which determined and reported the way things were. Stratification was used to divide the population into different strata i.e. Project Managers, Project Engineers and Project Architectures so as to draw randomly a predetermined number of units. The study used respondents working in the 9 water companies in Kiambu County. The collected data was coded into the Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 because of its ability to analyze data easily and accurately. This result indicated that the two independent variables notably; project water quality and project stakeholder participation were significant in contributing to success of county water projects. The coefficient of determination indicated that 94.9% of the variation on success of county water projects was influenced by independent variables project water quality and project stakeholder participation. This implies that there existed a strong positive relationship between independent variables and success of county water projects.
Key Words: Project Water Quality, Stakeholder Participation, Kiambu County
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v3i4.376
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