Implementation of Wireless network projects in an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) context encompasses all the processes involved in getting anew project operating properly, making necessary changes and achieving the intended goal. This study focuses on the effect of monitoring and evaluation tools in the implementation of Wireless network implementation in institutions of higher learning in particular JKUAT. A descriptive study design was used to collect quantitative and qualitative data. The target population of this study was on all students and staff in JKUAT Halls of Residence, management, and the JKUAT, ICT technicians. Systematic Random sampling was applied. Primary data was collected by use of both closed and open ended questionnaires. Secondary data was collected form the JKUAT, ICT directorate, records office. The data collected from the field was captured using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The Results revealed that monitoring and evaluation contributed to working within the expected timeframe in order to achieve positive results. Assessment revealed that Wireless network project facilitated the respondents with network and internet connectivity in a positive way. In general, from the findings, the institutions can gain full benefit of the project when monitoring and evaluation facet is emphasized. Monitoring and evaluation was positively significant in the implementation of wireless network projects. A more detailed study can be conducted to establish the other factors that contribute towards the implementation of Wireless projects in institutions of higher learning.
Key Words: Monitoring and Evaluation, Implementation of Wireless Network, Higher Learning Institutions
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v3i4.385
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