The practice of CSR is much debated and criticized with proponents arguing that there is a strong business case for CSR in that corporations benefit in multiple ways. The research intended to establish the effects of CSR practice on performance of Kenyan telecommunication sector .The research project general objective was to establish the effect of monitoring, evaluation and risk management practice of CSR project activities on the firm performance of Kenyan telecommunication sector. The study used purposive sampling selecting 14 telecommunication companies whose headquarters were located in Nairobi. The study targeted respondents from the project management office and ICT departments. The sample size was 56. The study used primary data as its source of information and questionnaires as the main instrument of data collection. Data collected was analyzed for descriptive statistics and inferential statistics using Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 20. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze qualitative data. From the findings, the study found out that risk management had a strong positive correlation with firm performance. The study sought to find the extent with which risk management practice affected firm performance. From the findings, majority of the respondents rated factors such as need to conducting risk analysis periodically, involvement of the project manager in risk analysis, adopting risk identification and adopting risk analysis as influencing firm performance. The study also concluded that monitoring and evaluation had a strong positive correlation with firm performance. Overall, the study concluded that firm performance of companies in the telecommunication sector was affected by risk management practice, followed by evaluation practice and then by monitoring practice.
Key Words: Monitoring, Evaluation, Risk Management Practice, Telecommunication Sector in Kenya
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