This research aimed at investigating the factors that affect communication in State Corporations with reference to Kenya Forest Service. The objectives of the study were to; assess the effects of staff training and development and to examine how teamwork affects effective communication in state corporations in Kenya.
This study employed the use of a descriptive research design. The population was all employees of Kenya Forest Service headquarters. Stratified sampling techniques were used after which simple random sampling was employed. This enabled determine the sample size and ensure sample representativeness. The data collection instrument used in this study was questionnaires which were both closed and open-ended.
The open and closed ended questionnaires were distributed effectively to the selected sample by the researcher and the research assistant who was trained by the researcher on how the process was to be carried out. Secondary data collected involved library research. The quantitative data was analyzed using IBM SPSS statistics version 20 and presented in the form of tables and graphs.
The research findings revealed that the factors under study had a positive effect on effective communication at KFS. From the findings, the researcher recommended that a broad based study covering both public and private institutions be done to find out the effect of the factors under study on effective communication. It is also suggested that future research should focus on the factors under study on organizational performance.
Key Words: Communications, State Corporations, Staff Training, Development
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v1i2.40
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