The research was aimed at establishing the factors that affect efficiency in distribution management in an organization .The research project sought to address two objectives which were packaging and inventory management in distribution management efficiency. The rationale of the study came up due to late deliveries, damages on goods and customer dissatisfaction. The researcher targeted plastic Manufacturers Ltd as the target population and a stratified sampling technique was used by having both primary and secondary data collection. The objectives were to determine the effects of Packaging products and to establish the effects of Inventory management on distribution management efficiency. Questionnaires were used to collect primary data while for secondary data, internet, journals and media was used. The data used descriptive method comprising of both quantitative and qualitative methods where the results were presented using tables, pie charts, percentages and explanations. The target population consisted of 100 employees and the sample size was 79, stratified sampling techniques were used to analyze data quantitatively and qualitatively. The Analysis tool used was SPSS- statistic packages for social science software version 24. Out of the 79 employees, 60 questionnaires which made up 76% the total employees were returned for analysis. 50 % of the respondents disagreed that quality was being enhanced in the institution that implied that the quality at the moment is not adhered to in packaging process, 58 % were in agreement that packaging determines the efficiency of distribution management. According to the findings 42% disagreed that JIT had not been practiced effectively, and this calls for implementation to ensure efficiency in inventory system. From the findings of the study, packaging and inventory management have an impact in the efficiency of distribution Management. It was also concluded that improvement is required to ensure efficiency in the performance of distribution management. The researcher made various recommendations including need for quality packaging and proper inventory management systems.
Key Words: Packaging, Inventory Management, Distribution Management
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