SMEs play a key role in Job creations, technology and innovation growth, and economic growth and development. Despite the significant role they play, their growth to maturity is not fully guarantee and is likely to die due to poor performance and lack of competitiveness. Out of every 5 SMEs that are started, 3 die within the first two years. Such death or retardation result to loss of livelihood, retarded economic development, and failure to develop innovation and technology in a country. The purpose of the study was to investigate the factors which influence the performance of growth oriented SMEs in Thika Subcounty of Kiambu County. This study was guided by two specific objectives: Investigate the influence of innovation on the performance of growth Oriented Small and Medium Enterprises and to find out the influence of entrepreneurial orientation on the Performance of growth Oriented Small and Medium Enterprises on the performance of growth Oriented Small and Medium Enterprises in Thika Sub County. The study used descriptive survey design to investigate both the dependent and independent variables. The study targeted a population of 300 growth oriented SMEs which are over 3 years in operation and had been licensed by the Thika Sub county of Kiambu County. The data was collected using self-administered questionnaires and document analysis. The regression analysis done indicated that internationalization had a positive influence on the performance of Growth oriented SMEs and that innovation had a significant positive influence on the performance of SMES in Thika Sub County. The study found out that Innovation influenced performance of growth oriented most. The study recommended that , entrepreneurs keep on scanning the environment to establish unmet need by introducing new products into the market, cutting on their production cost by establishing cheaper but quality raw materials, introduction of new production methods, which are cost effective, but producing quality and competitive product and finally identification of new unmet market through market segmentation and Introduction of the above named aspects of innovation would lead to increased performance by the growth oriented SMEs. For the growth oriented SMEs to perform optimally they needed to be proactive in their business. The researcher recommended that the research on the above named factors to be conducted in other Counties with an aim of providing adequate data for generalization.
Key Words: Innovation, entrepreneurial Orientation, Performance, SMEs
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v4i2.430
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