Regardless of the effort by the governments of developing countries, like Kenya and development partners like World Bank to improve performance of the procurement function, public procurement is still disfigured by substandard works, poor quality goods and services. The general objective of the study was to establish the influence of change management on performance on public procuring entities in Kenya. The study was guided by two specific objectives; To establish the extent to which employee resistance influences performance of public procurement in the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning in Kenya and to establish how training of employees influences performance of public procurement in the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning in Kenya. The study used a descriptive survey research design in collecting data from the respondents. The population of this study was the employees and management in the Ministry. This study adopted stratified sampling because the population of interest was heterogeneous in nature. Structured questionnaires were used as the main instruments for collecting primary data. The study established that change management contributed 53.1% of the total variance in the Performance of Public Procurement Entities. Further, the independent variables (Employees Training and Employee Resistance) contributed with a positive coefficient to the model.
Key Words: Employee Resistance, Employees Training, PerformanceFull Text:
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