This study intended to investigate the determinants of staff training needs analysis process in Kenyan manufacturing firms by taking a survey study of KTDA Ltd. Traditionally, the company has enjoyed virtual monopoly in the tea sector which has grown over the years hence made Kenya a formidable world tea producer. However, competition from substitute products, new-entrants in tea business, supplier and demand bargaining power and competition rivalry have transformed the tea business environment. The objectives of the study were to determine the effect of budgetary allocation and effect of organizational training policy in relation to work place staff training needs analysis process. The significance of the study will be to KTDA Ltd top management and staff, the Gov’t especially the Ministry of Labour and Human Resource Development, potential investors in tea beverage sub-sector and future researchers’ interested in this field. The study also adopted a descriptive research design using structured and unstructured questionnaires as an instrument for data collection. KTDA head-office staff was used for the purposes of the study to identify a target population size of 320. Further sample size of 48 respondents (16 HODs, 17 Line managers and 15 other staff) were selected using a stratified random method for the study as it gave every element an equal chance of inclusion in the stratum. The findings of the study were analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics that included frequency tables, graphs and pie charts based on the research questions designed at the beginning of the study and completed by the respondents. Conclusions and inferences were drawn from the results about the Kenyan manufacturing sector industry on the determinants of staff training needs analysis. The research project at the end of the study proved that staff training needs analysis process were affected by the factors under study. Conversely, when an organization pursues an effective staff training needs analysis, it has a positive (+ve) effect on the employee and company performance even in a rival and competitive business environment.
Key Words: Budgetary Allocations, Organization Training Policy, Training Needs
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