Completion of road maintenance projects in Kenya suffers from many problems and complex issues in performance. There are many realistic reasons such as closures, amendment of drawings and designs and delayed release of funds. In addition, there are other different reasons affecting completion of road maintenance projects in Kenya such as poor management and leadership; poor relations and coordination; absence of motivation, control, monitoring or decision making systems; inadequate infrastructure, political problems; cultural problems and economic conditions. The general objective of this study was therefore to explore determinants of successful completion of road maintenance projects in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were; environmental factors and capacity of contractors of the road maintenance projects in Kenya. A descriptive research design was adopted. The two independent variables were anchored on relevant theories as per this study. The target population for this study was composed of staff in the 10 regions of coverage of Kenya National Highways Authority and its head office in Kenya, specifically road engineers and road inspectors, since they were involved in one way or the other in decision making on roads maintenance projects. The study used a census of all the respondents. Data was collected with the help of instruments which were both structured and semi-structured questionnaires. The data for this study consisted both primary and secondary. Pilot test were done on the instruments to disclose their reliability and validity before the actual collection of data. The collected data was analyzed with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 and the findings for this study were presented in form of pie charts, graphs, tables and figures. Results implied that successful completion of road maintenance projects in Kenya was collectively influenced by Project Contractor’s Capacity and Project Environment.
Key Words: Environmental factors, Capacity of Contractors, Kenya National Highway Authority
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