As today’s business environment becomes increasingly competitive, business organizations are becoming more aggressive and dynamic in identifying competitive strategies that will ensure profitable existence. Given the limitations of previous research on strategic innovations in Kenya, the present study addresses the gap by focusing on the question: what are the effects of implementation of strategic innovation on the performance of commercial banks in Kenya, with reference to Equity bank. The study particularly sought to establish the effect of market innovation strategies on the performance of commercial banks in Kenya and to determine the effect of product innovation strategies on the performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The target population for the study was the staff at the Equity bank group headquarters, with a population of 160 employees. The determined sample size was 115 respondents out of a target population of 160. The study used primary data which was largely quantitative and descriptive in nature. After data collection, the filled-in and returned questionnaires were edited for completeness, coded and entries made into Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS version 21). Both descriptive and inferential statistics were further conducted. Descriptive analysis involved the use of frequencies in their absolute and relative forms (percentage). Mean and standard deviations were also be used as measures of central tendencies and dispersion respectively. Inferential statistics was on the other hand done to show the nature and magnitude of relationships established between the independent and dependent variables using regression analysis to make inferences from the data collected to more generalized conditions. Findings revealed that Market innovation strategies and Product innovation strategies collectively explain variations in the Performance. The study concluded that overall, strategic innovation, as indicated by Market innovation strategies and Product innovation strategies positively and significantly impacted performance among Commercial banks in Kenya.
Key Words: Market Innovation, Product Innovation, Performance of Commercial Banks
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v4i2.454
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