This study explored the influence of talent management on employee retention in public hospitals in Kenya with a specific focus on Siaya County Referral Hospital. The specific objectives of the study sought to establish the link between employee engagement and employee retention in public hospitals and to explore the effect of reward management on employee retention in public hospitals. The research design adopted for this study was census survey in which the study sought to collect data from a target population of Human resource management in Siaya County Referral Hospital, using questionnaires to determine the correlation between talent management and employee retention. The target population comprised of 103 human resource management staff in Siaya County Referral Hospital. Data was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively and through use of statistical package for social scientists (SPSS) version 22. Statistical instrument used for the research analysis was mainly inferential statistics. The study employed descriptive statistics method for presenting and summarizing bio-data. The study found that employees opinions were not sought on issues that affected them and their job neither were they involved in decision making. The employees in the hospital did not receive frequent and supportive communication from their leaders. Employees did not understand the scope for the level of reward to be given. Employee engagement and reward management significantly influenced employee turnover. The study recommended that leader provide the employees with frequent and supportive communication. The organizations management should communicate pay matters periodically to employees and reward policies should be put in place in the organization and employees should be made aware of how reward is determined.
Key Words: Employee Engagement, Rewards Management, Employee Retention
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