The purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges facing adoption of E-procurement in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning such as employee commitment and top management support using a sample of 66 employees in various departments in the Ministry. The study sought to explore challenges facing the adoption of E-procurement in the government ministries in South Sudan as a whole. Previous literatures related to adoption of e-procurement and its practices were reviewed to support the present study. The study was analyzed mainly through structured questionnaires issued to representatives from each department who were involved in the process of procurement. The study adopted a descriptive research design through which respondents were drawn from the employees of the Ministry and samples were taken from within each group in proportions that each group bore to the populations, using ANOVA. Primary data was gathered using a self-administered questionnaire. A pilot test was carried out to test the validity of the research, instruments. In data analysis SPSS was used to generate quantitative reports through tabulations percentages and measures of central tendency. Tables were used to present responses and facilitate reports through Likert, percentages and measure of central tendency was also generated. The study found that the two independent variables had high key challenges facing adoption of E-procurement in the ministry.
Key Words: Employee Commitment, Standardization, Inflexibility, E-procurement
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