Over the last several decades, an epidemic of “lifestyle diseases” has developed worldwide including in Kenya. Unhealthy lifestyles such as inactivity, poor nutrition, tobacco use, and frequent alcohol consumption are driving up the prevalence of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. In the workplace, chronic diseases come with an increase in medical costs, absenteeism, recruitment and training cost plus a host of other challenges associated with staff turnover. Furthermore, although chronic disease was once thought to be a problem of older age groups, there is a shift towards the younger working age that adds to the economic burden, because of illness-related loss of productivity due to absence from work (absenteeism) and reduced performance while at work (presenteeism). This study explored the factors affecting sustainability of wellness programs in Nairobi Serena Hotel. The scope of this study was the Hospitality industry in Kenya and Nairobi Serena Hotel in particular. The depended variable was sustainability of wellness programs while the independent variables were effect of incentives and management’s support in Nairobi Serena Hotel. Further review of existing literature was done to support the variables under study. To achieve this, the study used descriptive research design to conduct a survey of Nairobi Serena Hotel using structured questionnaires and interviews targeting 135 employees who were 30% of total staff population, which were 450 employees. The data gathered was both qualitative and quantitative data from both primary and secondary sources. The data collected was then analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS version 22. Result showed that there was a strong correlation between sustainability of wellness programs and wellness incentives and management’s support. Therefore, sustainability of wellness programs could be predicted using management’s support and wellness incentives.
Key Words: Incentives, Management Support, Wellness Programs, Sustainability
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v4i2.460
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