Kenya Tourism Board is charged with the responsibility of marketing Kenya as a tourist destination of choice. Statistics from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics indicate that the number of tourists coming to Kenya has declined over time. Despite knowledge being recognized as an important asset many organizations are not doing enough to effectively manage this important asset for competitive advantage. Effective knowledge management can help an organization to improve internal processes, customer services and products. This study sought to determine the effect of knowledge management on performance in the tourism sector in Kenya with special focus on Kenya Tourism Board. This study adopted a case study research design. The study population for this study was 72 employees of Kenya Tourism Board at their head office in Nairobi. Quantitative data collected were analyzed using SPSS (Version 20). The study established that the organization identified the skills needed to attain organizational goals, experienced staff needed to apply available knowledge more effectively and apply the right skills and knowledge in the right task. The study concluded that knowledge identification affected the performance of the Kenya Tourism Board and to a great extent; this was because the Kenya Tourism Board identified the skills needed to attain organizational goals. The study concluded that knowledge acquisition affected the performance of the Kenya Tourism Board and to a great extent; this was because skills acquisition through research improved the way resources are utilized.
Key Words: Knowledge Identification, Knowledge Acquisition, Performance of Kenya Tourism Board
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v4i2.466
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