The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of interest rates stability on the economic performance in Kenya. In the recent past, the government has been struggling with deficit in the annual budget forcing them to borrow funds from both internal and external financial institutions. Interest rates in Kenya have been fluctuating over the last few years with the effect of fluctuations remaining unknown on economic performance. Interest rates and macroeconomic volatility generally were the motivation behind this study as there was little information about effect of the same on economic performance in Kenya. Commercial banks were the most affected sector as interest rates have a significant impact on its operations, in relation to lending rates and the loanable assets. Following interest rate liberalization, interest rates have fluctuated to respond to changes in demand and supply of loanable funds in the financial market. The study aimed to establish the effect of interest rate stability on economic growth performance in Kenya and the empirical evidences that help answer the research objective. The data was collected from the Kenya National Bureau of Statics, Kenya Banker Association and Central bank of Kenya for a 10 year period starting 2005 to 2014. The study was guided by the independent variables (purchasing power parity and credit supply) to analyze the affect interest rates stability on dependent variable (economic performance) in Kenya. The study was utilizing a purposive research design as secondary data was used hence draw on a wide range of qualitative research designs. This study used quantitative data analysis techniques with the assistance of Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS). The study findings, through the slope of the generated trends from 2005-2014, indicated that there was a study rise in Purchasing Power Parity and Credit Supply. The correlation and regression analysis informed the conclusion that the Economic Growth of a country was significantly influenced by Purchasing power Parity and Credit Supply. The result of the study was going to benefit among others, investors and consumers of financial services and industrial goods as it recommend the involvement of the government developing various fiscal policies to control the interest rates and inflation rates so as to ensure good economic growth rate.
Key Words: Purchasing Power, Credit Supply, Interest Rates Stability
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v4i2.473
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