One of the core objectives of all commercial banks is to meet the business expenses and make a return on the investment. Preferably the returns made should be on the increase as bank continues operating. Many strategies are employed to try and ensure that owners' wealth is maximized in the world where competition continues to intensify. Free entry to the markets has seen many commercial banks join the financial market, new innovative products and services are being released from time to time owing to technology being incorporate plus most of the services offered by commercial banks are now being offered by microfinance institutions (MFIs) which are now 12 in number and increase number of Saving and credit cooperative society. On top of these, customers’ expectations keep on changing as the literacy level rises and therefore to meet their demand banks have to rethink through their processes. It is against this backdrop that the current study sought to examine the effect of knowledge management on performance of commercial banks. Specifically the study sought to determine the relationship between knowledge acquisition, conversion and application on commercial banks performance. The study was based on resources based theory and knowledge economy theory. The study adopted descriptive research design and a sample of 363 respondents who were drawn from supervisors in strategic management department of 22 commercial banks. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, mean, percentages and standard deviation were used to summarize the data. Moreover, regression analysis showed the nature of the relationship between knowledge management and performance of commercial banks while correlation analysis showed the strength. Results of the study revealed a positive and significant relationship between knowledge management and commercial banks performance.
Key Words: Knowledge Acquisition, Conversion, Application, Performance of Commercial Banks
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