High-Performance Work Practices and Organizational Performance: Evidence form Kenyan organization
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of high performance work practices on organizational performance. A total of 291 questionnaires were sent to managers and employees of three organizations in Kenya and results show that some of the human resource practices are associated with high performing work practices. Organizations in Kenya are undergoing fundamental changes and customers are demanding quality products and services, speed and reliability of service, price competitiveness and innovation. If Kenyan organizations are to survive, remain competitive and increase performance the issue of employee participation, selective hiring and job security have to be addressed. Recognizing, utilizing and developing their human resources may be the most significant challenges that management faces, and it is posited that those organizations that excel at this will be the industry leaders.
Key words: Organizational Performance, High Performance Work Practices; Employee Participation; Selective Hiring; Job Security
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v1i2.48
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