There have been different findings as to whether realistic job previews influence employee adjustment. This study therefore sought to find out the relationship between realistic job previews and employee adjustment in public secondary schools’ teachers within Nairobi County. The population of interest was the 80 head teachers in the 80 public secondary schools within Nairobi County, and 560 departmental heads in the same schools. Every public secondary school had a minimum of seven head of departments based on the KCSE examinable subjects, therefore giving a total of 560 head of departments in the 80 public secondary schools within Nairobi County. Sample size was picked in accordance with Cochran’s sample size formula for categorical data which translated to 30 respondents; so 30 head of schools and 210 departmental heads from 30 schools were eligible for study. There were 9 districts within Nairobi County. Using quota sampling, the 80 schools were grouped according to the districts. The 30 schools whose head teachers and departmental heads were to be studied were then selected through purposive random sampling. Primary data was collected using close ended questionnaires that utilized the drop and pick method. Data was entered and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software Version 21; descriptive statistics; and inferential statistics. Results were presented in the form of tables and pie charts according to each question for ease of understanding. The study concluded that Realistic job previews positively and significantly influenced employee adjustment. Future studies looking to expand on the current research would also benefit from utilizing a different target population in order to detect statistical differences.
Key Words: Realistic Job Previews, Employee Adjustment, Public Secondary Schools, Nairobi County
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