Human Resource is one of the most valuable assets that organizations have. Effective and efficient use of human resource foresees any organization at top level due to high human resource job performance. However, there have been instances of lack of occupational health and safety measures at workplace which has left employees exposed to various kinds of health hazards. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of occupational safety and health on employees’ performance in Flower Industry in Kenya; A Case Study of Penta Flowers Limited in Thika Sub-county. The specific objectives included; to investigate the influence of OSHA training and employees’ attitudes towards OSHA on employees’ performance in Penta Flowers Limited, Thika Sub-county, Kiambu County, Kenya. The study adopted mixed methods approach and applied explanatory sequential design. The target population comprised of 20 management officers, 50 supervisors and 130 general workers all totaling to 200. Questionnaires were used to collect data from supervisors whereas interviews were used to collect data from management officers and general workers. The study established that training of employees and employees’ attitudes influenced their performance. However, this was not the case in Penta Flowers Firm. There had not been frequent training and employees rarely manifested positive attitude towards OSHA. The study recommended that the Management of Penta Flowers should develop integrated training approach for all employees where employees could access effective training at different times convenient for them. Employees should be encouraged to develop positive attitude towards OSHA as a way of mitigating the injuries often incurred at workplaces.
Key Words: Training, Employees Attitudes, Employee Performance, Health and Safety
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