A legal framework encompasses the laws, regulations and policies that are put in place to govern an organization or an activity. The public procurement legal framework clearly covers the whole scope of public procurement, all stages of the procurement process, methods of procurement, ethics and transparency. Procurement laws and rules lead to procurement efficiency or inefficiency depending on the type of government and environment within which the system is operated. Studies reveal that even after the enactment of the regulations, there are losses of public funds that can be attributed to compliance to these regulations. This study sought to find the determinants of public procurement legal framework on the performance of public institutions in Kenya. The following objectives guided the study; To establish the extent to which Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act 2015 influence the performance of the Kenyan Judiciary and to determine the influence of policy formulation on the performance of the Kenyan Judiciary. This study employed a survey research design because it could conveniently conduct through interviews or questionnaire instruments, or both. The source of information was employees and management of Judicial Service Commission in Kenya. A sample of 80 respondents was used for this study. The study used questionnaires for data collection because they were economical; they ensured anonymity, permitted use of standardized questions, ensured uniform procedures, provided time for subject to think about responses and were easy to administer and score. Analysis was done by use of statistical techniques and results generated were presented in form of frequency graphs and tables. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) showed that the influence was statistically significant. Therefore, the study concluded that the main determinants of public procurement legal framework on the performance of public institutions in Kenya include; Public Procurement and asset disposal Act 2015 and Policy Formulation.
Key Words: Public Procurement & Asset Disposal act 2015, Policy Formulation, Performance of Public Institutions
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